Yoga in Schools, a wonderful way to help kids relax, focus and learn!
We have experience successfully bringing yoga to a public school in Jersey City and are ready to share the benefits of yoga with more students to help them learn and grow to the fullest of their potential.
Butler Middle School is part of our programming, receiving montly lessons for the entire school population during their gym class. West Milford School District is another client, training school counselors to share lessons with elementary students as well as offering yoga classes for the teachers after school!
Butler Middle School is part of our programming, receiving montly lessons for the entire school population during their gym class. West Milford School District is another client, training school counselors to share lessons with elementary students as well as offering yoga classes for the teachers after school!
Classroom Yoga - 30 minutes sessions in the classroom, no mats or special equipment necessary!
Grades K - 2: A combination of joyful poses and mindfulness using books, puppets, songs and yoga poses. Each session has a theme, reinforcing using breath to focus, calm and relax, a lifelong lesson.
Grades 3 - 5: Calming breath work, guided meditation, and challenging poses excite and inspire this age group while providing lifelong lessons in managing strong emotions and stressful situations. All sessions have an objective such as learning about the stress response or self-awareness.
Grades 6 and up: These older students will also experience calming breath work, a variety of poses, and guided meditation with structured sessions that include mindfulness of breath and movement, poses that challenge, build strength and flexibility, with overall goals of wellness through self-awareness, stress management, and learning to pause and center themselves before reacting to strong emotions.
Grades K - 2: A combination of joyful poses and mindfulness using books, puppets, songs and yoga poses. Each session has a theme, reinforcing using breath to focus, calm and relax, a lifelong lesson.
Grades 3 - 5: Calming breath work, guided meditation, and challenging poses excite and inspire this age group while providing lifelong lessons in managing strong emotions and stressful situations. All sessions have an objective such as learning about the stress response or self-awareness.
Grades 6 and up: These older students will also experience calming breath work, a variety of poses, and guided meditation with structured sessions that include mindfulness of breath and movement, poses that challenge, build strength and flexibility, with overall goals of wellness through self-awareness, stress management, and learning to pause and center themselves before reacting to strong emotions.
Traditional Mat-based Yoga - Yoga sessions using yoga mats in a classroom, gym, auditorium or other appropriate space. Similar themes, breath work and more variety of poses are incorporated. After school programs or yoga clubs can be an additional offering for schools. Some public schools invite students they feel would benefit more from additional sessions and attention to a yoga club.
Teacher Training - Customized to provide teachers with training on incorporating periods of yoga, breath work and mindfulness into their classroom.
Yoga for Teachers - After school yoga classes to help teachers let go of daily stress, find balance, strength and deeply relax.
Teacher Training - Customized to provide teachers with training on incorporating periods of yoga, breath work and mindfulness into their classroom.
Yoga for Teachers - After school yoga classes to help teachers let go of daily stress, find balance, strength and deeply relax.